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American Manufacturers and Distributors of Nutritional Supplements
Hersteller von Nahrungsergänzungen in den USA
Extension Foundation
Life Extension Foundation
P.O. Box 229120 * Hollywood, FL 33022-9120 oder
995 S.W. 24th Street; Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315 - USA
Telefon: 1.954.766.8433 oder 1.877.900.9073
Mitglieder zahlen jährlich 75$ (international 110$) und erhalten auf alle Produkte 25-60% Rabatt
Der Lieferservice
If you need to contact Life Care directly, please see the address and/or
E-mail address below.
Life Care, Europe APS
Postadresse und E-Mail:
Mr. Teddy Iversen
Rytterskolevej 7 - Maarum DK-3230 Graested - Denmark
Phone: 011-45-7020-6900
Fax: 011-45-7020-6901
Artikel zu Produkten der Life Extension Foundation:
Life Enhancement Products, Inc.
Life Enhancement Products, Inc.
P.O.Box 751 390
Petaluma, CA 94975-1390, USA
Telephone: (707) 762-6144 (U.S. or international), Fax: (707) 769-8016
E-Mail: info@life-enhancement.com
Die Liefermodalitäten
Artikel zu Produkten der Life Enhancement Products Inc.:
Pregnenolon (Valentine)
Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute - CERI
Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute - CERI
The CERI Sources Page:
A directory of sources listed by category: International Companies, United States Companies, Buyer's Clubs, Compounding Pharmacies and Testing Companies.
The listing is provided as a complimentary service to CERI's Smart Life News subscribers. We regularly update this listing to keep it as current as possible (see reference date at top of page). If you find an error, or have a problem with the service of any of these companies, we want to know about it immediately. We are also interested in hearing about FDA notices of Customs detentions of overseas shipments. (e-mail to qna@ceri.win.net)
Additions to this listing are first published in the newsletter and soon posted to this listing. The newsletter is published ten times annually and is delivered by first class mail or airmail. Subscription rates are $59/year (US), $62/year (Canada/Mexico), and $74 (all other countries). Satisfaction guaranteed (undelivered portion of subscription refunded upon request). You can pay by personal check, money order or credit card. Checks must be in US dollars drawn on US banks.
Send to:
CERI Subscription Service
P. O. Box 4029
Menlo Park, California
94026 USA
VISA, MasterCard and AMEX orders must include your credit card number, expiration date and your phone number. AMEX orders must also include the billing address (if different from the shipping address). You can mail, fax or phone your credit-card order to us.
Phone: 650-321-CERI
Fax: 650-323-3864
Nature's Plus
Nature's Plus
Natural Organics Headquarters, 548
Broadhollow Rd., Melville, NY 11747-3708
Telephone - (631) 293-0030, Fax - (631) 293-0349
International Sales
Located at the Natural Organics Inc. Headquarters In Melville, NY.
E-Mail: exp@naturesplus.com (Bestellungen)
Telephone - (631) 293-0030
Fax - (631) 777-7309
20 Petra Lane
Albany, NY 12205-4977 - USA
Telefon: national 1-888-817-2411 und international 1-518-464-0765
Fax: 1-518-456-9673
Jarrow Formulas
Jarrow Formulas
Jarrow Formulas
1824 S. Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
E-Mail: info@Jarrow.com (Infos und Bestellungen)
Fax: 800-890-8955 or 310-204-2520
Int. Commercial Trade Co.
Int.Commercial Trade Co.
Int.Commercial Trade Co. - Anchorage AK 99503-3969/200W 34th Ave Apt. - USA
Tel./Fax Service: +49 (0) 201-247180-11042
I.C.T. Customer Service: +1(0) 281 749 8134
E-Mail: int.commercial.trade@writeme.com
American Nutrition Inc.
American Nutrition Inc.
American Nutrition Inc.
9204 Bellaire St.
Thornton, CO. 80229 - USA
E-Mail: sales@americannutrition.com
Telefon: Toll Free 800-454-3724
International (303)288-0445
Fax: (303) 853-0072

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Gaines Nutrition Inc.
Gaines Nutrition
Gaines Nutrition
2840 Fletcher Parkway, PMB #421
El Cajon, CA 92020 - USA
E-Mail: support@gaines.com
Telefon national: (888) 248-7159 und international: 1-212-560-5187
Fax: (619) 583-3857 und internat.1-619-583-3857

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1785 E. Locust St. #4
Pasadena, CA 91106, USA
E-Mail: info@iherb.com
Telefon: 1-888-792-0028 oder 1-626-356-3922
Fax: 626.792.8777
Long Life
Long Life
... - USA
MTE-Nutrition Co
MTE-Nutrition Co
... - USA
E-Mail: sales@mtenutrition.com
Phone: 1-216-267-4470 or (toll free) 1-888-899-9331
Fax: 216-267-9458
MTE-Nutrition Co. ** 6215 W.130th St. - Parma Hts, Ohio 44130 (USA) A suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.
... - USA
Telefon: (800) 848-2808
Harvest Moon Natural Foods
Harvest Moon Natural Foods
2113-A East 151st Street
Olathe, KS 66062 - USA
E-Mail: info@shopharvestmoon.com
Telefon: 913-782-7562, Sales: 888-437-2425
Fax: 913-782-3581
Health Quest Nutrition Center
Health Quest Nutrition Center
HealthQuest Pensacola Store - 4761 Bayou Boulevard - Target Shopping Center - Pensacola, FL 32503 - USA
Phone (850) 479-7220
Fax: (850) 479-2740
Siehe Life Services ....
Life Plus
Life Plus
P.O. Box 3749
Batesville, Arkansas 72503 - USA
Telefon: 800-572-8446
Life Services Supplements, Inc.
Life Services Supplements, Inc.
3535 Hwy 66 Bldg. # 2
Neptune, NJ 07753 - USA
Telefon: USA und Kanada: 1-800-542-3230 und International: 1-732-922-0009
E-Mail: email@lifeservices.com
FAX: 1-732-922-5329
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